Roll Your Own (RYO) Smokers QuitIT - Starter Kit

Roll Your Own (RYO) Smokers QuitIT - Starter Kit

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Ex Tax: R250.00
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This Roll Your Own Kit is a great option for anyone looking to roll their own smokes.

This combo pack has everything you need to roll your own smokes. The automatic rolling machine is quick and easy to use, place your filter and paper, pack with product and close the tin - it's that simple. Durable and compact, it has a compartment perfect for storing your Leafolo or tobacco mix. The 20g Leafolo Pack contains Sceletium (Kanna) which has natural anti addition properties, and is a perfect addition to your rolling tobacco to help wean off.

With complimentary filters and papers, this combo ensures you have all you need to effortlessly roll your own cigarettes. Leafolo boasts calming and relaxing effects, which help ease the pain and discomfort associated with nicotine withdrawals. 

This Roll Your Own Kit Includes:

  • Leafolo 20g Pack - Kanna blend
  • 1 1/4 Rolling Tin
  • OCB 1 1/4 Rolling Paper Booklet
  • Pack of 15 Filter Tips


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