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African Herbal Magic

Leafolo™ is a Herbal Wellness company that brings traditional African botanicals and medicinal plants to the world through a diverse range of products, exposing and making available and accessible - African Traditional Medicine. 


South Africa ranks as the third most biodiverse country in the world and is home to 10% of the world’s plant species. It is also one of six floral kingdoms with unique biodiversity containing thousands of plant species found nowhere else on the planet. And with over 20 000 species, it is one of the most species-rich countries in the world and on the African continent.


Leafolo™, a South African borne company, produces and offers African botanically derived products and is founded on strong principles which we continually strive to embody and enact;

Cliff Giesenow / Founder and Managing Director

All our Herbal Blends

100% Laboratory Tested

Our ingredients are lab tested to international standards

Certificates of Analysis available

Contain natural terpenes

Freshly Harvested and properly stored our ingredients contain natural terpenes, flavinoids and alkaloids

All natural ingredients

No synthetics or additives are used and all our ingredients are hand harvested and sustainably grown

100% Tobacco free

Our herbal blend products contain no Tobacco and therefore no Nicotine

we strive to:

Make African plants more accessible

Offer people a healthier alternative and natural choices

Educate and share knowledge - each one teach one!

Support small-scale farmers

Use only the highest quality ingredients we can source

Give back to Indigenous Knowledge Keepers



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 50 000+

 Units shipped ... so far

Meet Our Founder 
Cliff giesenow 

Man on a Mission

Cliff lost his father and uncle to a 20 pack a day cigarette habit and after becoming a Cannabis user he started mixing with Tobacco to make it burn better and then moved on to rolling his own cigarettes as he enjoyed and got addicted to the Tobacco, which obviously was not good. He then discovered herbal mixers as an alternative in the markets of the middle east and decided he needed to move to them.


On returning to his native South Africa he found a long history of traditional, smokable plants in the region and developed the Leafolo smoke blends for his own use - discovering that others enjoyed them also.


He is now on a mission to get them to the world and to bring the benefits of African Traditional plant medicine to as many people as possible !

11% Donations Pledge

Leafolo™ believes in giving back and in respecting the indigenous knowledge holders who have carried these sacred plants and the knowledge of their usage for countless generations. 


Our principle is to go above and beyond in all we strive to do and to help make this planet a better place for all. We therefore overshoot the biblical principle of tithing (giving 10%) and add an extra 1% for our donations for beneficiation, with 11% of net profits after taxes and all expenses going to charities and Indigenous Knowledge Holders in Southern Africa. 


Registered for Biotrade and abiding by the respective sustainability protocols, Leafolo™ has entered into Material Transfer Agreements and beneficiating agreements with a number of local projects:


Bushman Piet  - Click on the link to find out more about our latest pledge project !

11% Donations 

Leafolo™ believes in giving back and in respecting the indigenous knowledge holders who have carried these sacred plants and the knowledge of their usage for countless generations. 


Our principle is to go above and beyond in all we strive to do and to help make this planet a better place for all. We therefore overshoot the biblical principle of tithing 10% and add an extra 1% for our donations and beneficiation, with 11% of net profits going to charities and Indigenous Knowledge Holders in Southern Africa. 


Registered for Biotrade and abiding by the respective sustainability protocols, Leafolo™ has signed Material Transfer Agreements and beneficiating agreements with a number of local projects:


Bushman Piet  - Click on the link to find out more about our latest pledge project !

Our Hard Working Team

Cliff Giesenow

Founder CEO

Alex Howe

Herbalist and Educator


Talana Ballan

eCommerce Manager


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